Source code for the authentication tutorials
The Ruby on Rails application and the Android app code repositories
Following several requests, I’ve decided to publish the revised code that I used to write the previous tutorials. I revised the code since the first post and pushed them to Github.
I hope they can be useful for your projects, feel free to fork and contribute to them if you wish to.
Ruby on Rails Backend/API
You can find the guide to create this Android application in the part one and part three of the authentication tutorials.
Android App
You can find the guide to create this Android application in the part two and part three of the authenticaion tutorials.
ActionBarSherlock: see usage on how to install it as a library for this project.
- Clone or download the project
- Import it in your Eclipse’s workspace: “File > Import > Existing Android Code Into Workspace”
- Browse for the directory and check “Copy projects into workspace”
- Download ActionBarSherlock
- Extract the zip file and import it as a library: “File > New > Other … > Android Project from Existing Code”
- Navigate the ActionBarSherlock directory and select the “actionbarsherlock” dir.
- Ignore the warning/error that may arise and right-click on the new project and select “Refactor > Rename” and rename the project “ABS” (or whatever you like).
- Right-click on the AuthExample project and select “Properties”: click on the “Android” section and add the just added ABS library in the “Library” sub-section.