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The Iris Nebula (also known as NGC 7023 and Caldwell 4) is a bright reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus. Wikipedia
Dates | August 28th, 2022 (Waxing Crescent Moon) |
Frames | 30x300” (5mins), 2h 30m of total integration time |
Focal Length | 360mm (f/6) |
Camera | ZWO ASI533MC-Pro (gain 100, cooled at -5°C) |
Telescope | TS-Optics Photoline 60mm Doublet Apochromatic Refractor |
Accessories | 1.0x Flattener |
Filters | TS-Optics 2” UV & IR Cut Filter |
Mount | Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro |
Guide Scope | Angeleyes Mini Guidescope 30mm f/4 |
Guide Camera | ZWO ASI 120MM mini |
Computer | ZWO ASIAIR Pro |
I stacked the lights frames in Siril using the OSC Preprocessing Without DBF (Darks, Biases, Flats) script. I decided not to use any Dark, Bias or Flat frames. I might try to create a dark frame library later, but the ASI533MC-Pro is considered a camera that can do without darks given the absence of amp glow.
I then used the following tools: